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Your weekly offering to the church is essential to our parish and we are truly grateful for your generous giving each week and for all you have given over the years. 


Each weekend at our Sunday Masses our weekly offering is collected during Mass, during the Offertory, and carried forward in the Offertory Procession as our gift.


It would help if you could set up a standing order for your regular payment. You can also make single payments through your bank.


The parish bank details are:


Sort code: 60-10-21

Account number: 90018850

Reference: ‘Your name’ [If you Gift-Aid your donations to the church add GA]


With thanks and every blessing and prayers. Fr John and our Parish Finance Committee


‘Gift Aid - the good way to give to your Church’ Gift Aid is an arrangement that allows charities, including churches, to reclaim tax on donations made by a taxpayer. It covers weekly giving as well as one-off donations. This means that every donation you make is worth 25% more to your Church, at no cost to you.


For example, if you donate £20, we will be able to reclaim £5 on your donation from the government, meaning the Church gets £20 from you and £5 from the government. If you’re already paying tax on earnings, pensions or income/capital gains from investments, the government simply gives back to the Church some of the tax you have already paid. We don’t need to know your personal details such as income, nor your National Insurance number. Your donations will qualify as long as they’re not more than 4 times the tax you have paid in that tax year (6 April to 5 April).


All you have to do is complete a simple form called a Gift Aid Declaration with your name and address.

Please help us to make the most of this scheme to benefit our Church.

With thanks.  Annette Field. Parish Gift Aid Officer. (For more information please contact Fr John)

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